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Sunday, October 27, 2013

This is one of those weekends.....

This is one of those weekends where I pay the piper so to speak... So many fun things that I am missing out on due to work and sleep on the weekends. I am BLESSED to get to be home for so much of their childhoods and daily life; weekends like this just make me a little sad but thankful for all HE does give me. Last night the pack and hubby attended VeggieTales Live at our church, and in the morning when I came home the house was full of silly songs. I LOVE that my girls aren't too jaded/cool to enjoy something like that with the little guys. Our culture tries to make them grow up so fast and then leaves them in this weird suspended adolescence. Don't get me wrong, I know they all grow up eventually, but I would rather is happen as designed and not in hyper drive, but I digress...

Saturday afternoon I helped get everyone dressed and ready for our family Halloween party. Again, I missed it. Ying was Peter Pan, Yang channeled Cleopatra, DH husband was the 11th Doctor and Hulk was the TARDIS. The latter 2 costumes you either understand or have no clue depending on your Great time was had by all who attended...
Came home Sunday morning to tales of cousins and costumes as I passed out. I routinely miss Sunday morning services. I can't keep my eyes open, and the Lord knows where I was. Even He healed on the Sabbath because it often can't wait. I got up in time to again dress everyone in costume for the Children's Choir costume event. Oh the controversy! For our church, Halloween divides  like nothing else every year. The vast majority of our families in some way participate in the holiday. We do not do a fall festival/trunk or treat, etc, because there are sooooo many in our area. Our church instead puts on a 2 day community Christmas festival. This year we gave the kids the opportunity within certain guidelines to come dressed up to choir, but this offended some of our families, who then kept their children home because we were "promoting Halloween in the church". For a few of these families this was pretty hypocritical ( IMO... but my opinion is just that) because their children dress-up on a very regular basis, come to choir in costume, etc. They only made it an issue for themselves. Next week, their kids will be back to dressing up.

Anyway, we all missed out on one event this weekend. The Kilometer Kids were the cheering section for the 25th mile of the Atlanta marathon on Sunday morning. We couldn't make it due to it being on Sunday morning. Sunday is the Lord's day, and we focus on His word and work (work as in service at church). Sunday for us is morning service for DH and kids @ either 9:15 or 11, home for lunch and naps, then back to church for Children's activities from 3:30-8pm. I currently serve as the 1st-3rd grade Sunday School curriculum coordinator, choir volunteer, co-lead a girls bible study. DH rotates in the toddler room in the mornings. It's a full day of service and fellowship. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


 We've covered 12 states, and very little has been retained. Even when it comes to locating them on a map... uhhh!!!. So we are taking a pause week to review the states we've done, and give our language arts skills some focus time. The MFW curriculum does not fulfill all our state required "school" days, so I plan on adding a few of theses weeks here and there to help with information retention. So this week's lesson plans:

Bible: The girl have joined a young girls bible study @ church about friendship and this week we are using the homework from this study to fill in the gap. We are also continuing with Buck Denver & Friend's 21 days with Matthew video devotional on

Math: This is so not broke that I am not messing with it. Let me say again how much I LOVE Teaching Textbooks. I am not fighting with the girls over math, lessons are short, and constantly reinforced. Math is by far our best laid subject this year!

Reading: 2 Fold- The girls are continuing to read their independent books. Ying is almost finished with The Lion,  The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis and Yang is finishing Royal Diaries: Victoria, May Blossom of Britannia, England 1829 by Anna Kirwan. We are also doing  daily comprehension practice focusing on main ideas via worksheets from While the girls are excellent readers, we still need to spend focused time reading for certain skills and strategies. has tons of free lesson plans, novel studies, etc is a very easy to navigate format. They are written to common core standards and give me the chance to check the girls against that standard at home. Highly recommend checking them out.

Language Arts:  Worksheet review. Two, too, to; Are and is; Us and we, and editing work

Spelling: Last week we had a mix up and before we realized it the girls has down two different lessons in Spelling by Sound and Structure so this week they are just switching lessons.

Handwriting: Copy work passages from my new favorite resource The girls have completed Handwriting Without Tears and now we just have practice, practice, practice to ( addenum

Geography:  Review, Review, Review..... Couple resources we are using:
The United States Map for the TAG reader by Leapfrog
Learning games for Kids 50 States games
We will definitely continue using this as we ga forward. They have games for each states and the for the 50 together.
US Snap Map-  This is a map of all 50 states in an open puzzle format. We let the girls us their place mat maps and they have enjoyed fitting the pieces together.

Science/Nature Study: I am planning a fall nature walk since the weather is has finally truly hit fall like. ;) 

Physical Education:  All three kids are still training for their 5K in Decemeber. The girls are up to running t2 miles 2 nights a week and Hulk is running 1 mile, 2 nights a week. We also are still trying to fit in as many park outings as we can until the weather defeats us!

Field Trip: Monday we drove the 2 hours to visit our favorite children's museum Creative Discovery in Chattanooga, TN. The kids had a blast and got in their last visit to the Magic Tree House Exhibit before it sadly leaves. If this exhibit comes to your town, and your kids have liked the books at all, I highly recommended it. That one exhibit captured the packs imagination like none other. We listened to 3 Magic Tree House books via audiobook on the drive Thank you library system for your digital downloads!

Yang as a Pilgrim mommy!
Ying as Jack!
Hulk; " the Pilgrims cook who dropped the"
Taz loved the water. Being younger he didn't get the Magic Tree House stuff much but loved the water and had a great listening day!

And that's this week... We are still trying to find a good fit for a co-op/social group so keep praying for us please, and also thanks to those who have interceded for us with the Lord. We feel your blessing and His.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Yang in the green shorts @ 1.5 miles.
Our fly by study continues.... This week has been a little better as we have been able to make more personal connections to the states we are studying. Cousins live in VA, Great Uncle works in the pentagon, Uncle J works in NYC, Mommy and Daddy used to live in NC etc. It's made it more real. I think the science is what the girls have most enjoyed. They like reading about the birds and trying to spot them. Where we live still has plenty of birds, and winters many birds from the north.
 Hulk has been approved to run with the girls' running club in the 5-6 year old group after the coaches watched him work out with DH & I for a few weeks. They don't usually allow 4 yr old for safety/ motivation reasons ( does the kid want to run or the parents just want a break? And can they be trusted to listen to the coaches since its not a closed track.) But Hulk's training has proven again a blessing and on his first night he finished his mile 2nd in his group. He's a very proud little man.
Ying @ 1.5 miles
Hulk in the little white blur in the distance. He was too fast and too excited for his first run!

We celebrated Hulk's 1st official mile and the girls 2 mile mark with some New York Style pizza.
New York Style Pizza!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Skipping over Thanksgiving and on to CT,MA,MD, & SC

Our Little Zoo Crew!

 We are slowly getting back up to full speed. So far the girls are enjoying the state by state "quick study". And yes.. It's a very "quick" look at each state. To be honest I am not sure how much the girls are retaining, but we shall see.Yeah, I know not much to say this week. Its been hectic. Taz is having discipline problems at preschool that I have never experienced with my own three, so much of the week has been focused on his training, etc...
We did squeeze in a trip to the Zoo...
Red clay Elephants!

Taz picking his nose by the giraffes and zebras

Hulk feeding the parakeets. How theses birds are not overweight with 9 million kids trying to feed them a day is one of God's great mysteries. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

week 11-12----Not George Washington Again!

We started back up this week after our two weeks off. Its been rough and full of distractions.  Between beautiful weather, fall break for the boys, and daddy not being home the week has kinda been a mess. I'll admit we have covered the bare minimums this week with all the distractions. It was easy to get the girls to focus in July when it was 90+ degrees, humid, and the playground burned your hand by noon. Now, that its 70's with no bugs and humidity good luck.
On Tuesday, when we started the girls were none to pleased to be back on George Washington. We are beating a dead horse here. Between what they studied last year and earlier this year (where we went more in depth then MFW intended) they were done. So... we just skipped week 11 of the curriculum and moved on to week 12. Luckily,  I had already done my library requests for this week. Also about 6 weeks ago I started requesting tourist information from the first 15 or so states online.  Most states have a magazine and other information about the state available for free upon request. My girls loved the huge maps many states sent and currently have Georgia and New Jersey plastered on their walls. We used these maps and brochures to supplement our book basket, and they have easily spent a 1/2 hour studying the maps independently.
Another distraction is weighing heavily on us, too. After 2 years of public school the girls are missing being with different kids on a daily basis, esp my super social Yang. Academically, the girls very much prefer homeschooling. They are just missing kid time and separation time. I ask and plead with anyone and everyone reading this to pray for us. Pray that we follow God's will in this. I want to continue to homeschool, but only if its His will and to serve His plans not mine. Pray that the Lord provides godly friends and role models for the girls. Pray that He can fill that empty place in their hearts for friends and companions with ones that will build them up and help them follow His way.