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Monday, June 30, 2014

150th Anniversary of the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain.

This weekend the kids participated in some activities commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain.
We spent quite of bit of Adventures time this past school year on the Civil War because it is very much a part of the history of our area. We pass memorials and markers everyday as we run errands that remind us of the War between the States. We've had a lot of conversations about why in our area there are very few building much older then the 1870's, while a few hours south in my husband's hometown of Savannah there are building dating back to the 1600's. It was fun for them to  get to see some of the living history they pass everyday...
They had several exhibits set up about life in Cobb County in the 1860's. The area was very poor, made up mainly of small farms. Most of the confederate soldiers who fought at the battle did not own slaves and came from "dirt farms" where they barely scraped by day to day. For crafts the girls made corn husk dolls with scraps of fabric and yarn. After the crafts and camp area, came the part they kids really enjoyed. They joined in the children's reenactment of the charge of Big Kennesaw. The kids chose to be a part of the union charge instead of being "dug in" on the the Confederate side. Yang dramatically died seven times to the delight of one small boy on the other They had a great time. I think they  came away with a better understanding of how much war changes things in an area, and how both sides are human.

Yang "dying" in the corner, Ying in the black t-shirt holding the line.

Ying and Yang charge.....

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Rocking though history... Girl Scout Camp style...

Hulk and the pixies
Craziness that ensues when teen girls give up being cool. Pals leading camp songs after skits on the last day.

This week all three kiddos and I went to Girl Scout Camp. It was a sweaty, dirty, crazy week that even Hulk enjoyed. I was the camp nurse for the week so I didn't get tons of pictures because I wasn't with the kids the whole time but when  I did catch a peek smiles were ear to ear. Our theme was Music through the Decades and we rocked it out.... My favorite part of camp is watching the older girls stop caring if they are cool just to make a younger girl smile.
Pal prank on the Admin staff.. Sara Wrapped golf cart
The boys eating doughnuts on a string.
Brownies at Flag.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Let's get Weird.....

 This week our church hosted 265 kids preschool to 5th grade for VBS. We did the Weird Animals theme by Group Publishing and it was a great success. We raised over $700 for home missions,  a lot of cans of food for the local pantry and we had 49 kids confess their belief in Christ for the first time.  The days were long for the volunteers, but it was so much fun! I am most proud of our special needs team. We successfully helped get two of our autistic boys through the entire week! Such a success especially since last year one of them couldn't even come into Sunday worship! God truly does work miracles!!!! All my pics are from our prep time as I was  busy during.