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Friday, November 14, 2014

Behind..... and on a 2 month break from ECC

 So, excuses excuses... I am very behind this year. ECC has such a different flow that it just  creeps up on me. Plus, I really underestimated the work of adding in Hulk. So I promise to get up our stuff for Canada and Brazil, soon. We have taken the month of November off to  following the girls interest in Greek Mythology. I hope to have some pictures of that up soon. I found a great unit online through Teachers Pay Teachers that we have really enjoyed. A lot of great writing work, that they haven't fought me on because they are so into the subject matter. Read alouds right now are myths and the Percy Jackson series.  This December we are going to focus on Math, reading and Christmas Activities ( i hope to post my plan soon).  We will pick up ECC again in the New year.