1. My father is home bound for the most part. He is alone a good part of each day while mother still works a traditional full time service job. Us being around gives him some social interaction and allows me to help with more of his daily needs. Today school got done around home health visits from PT and OT
2. There is physically more space for the kids to not be in each others faces 24/7. Here we school at the kitchen table. While there is plenty of space for 3 kiddos and book, I really struggle last year with the olders not paying attention to their lessons when I was working with the youngest and vice versa. Our home is very open concept with kitchen, living,dining, and playroom being very open to each other. If little guy was playing the way boys do while the olders were finishing up the noise would just be too much. Now we have 3 distinct spaces granted to us.
3. My mom is helping me when she's home. Y'all have no idea how huge this is! My mother has never not supported our choice to home school, but she's never really approved either. Now she's taking over lessons, and helping keep little guy busy. He's done more yard work in the past 2 weeks then in his whole life, but he loves it. One reason I think my mom is opening up to this idea is how many days last year got interrupted by my dad's doctor's appointments. Some days the kids would be stuck with us for 6 hours in clinic. We always got school done, but no 9 and 6 years old want to do school at a nurses station..lol... So this week she took over a morning for me, while I took my Dad to an appointment. Having seen and heard what we were doing the days prior really made a difference for her comfort. Plus she has faced facts that its better for me to be the one transporting Dad. I am more comfortable driving downtown, and have an easier time helping Dad physically. While the kids won't get out of all the visits this year I think the will have significantly fewer messed up days. Especially since we purposely signed them up for full day co-op once a week, and I am trying to schedule as many appointments as possible on those days.
1 unintended side effect so far.... We've gotten dressed every day for school so far. Not quite as easy to just stay in the nightgown when I have to leave the house and answer to my mother!