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Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 7- French Pioneers

 So, this week we have moved to an official 4 day school week. With the little boys back at the church school now, the girls have been able to get a lot done in a focused period, because they want to hit the park after pre-school pick up. Monday when both boys are home with us all day we are now just doing independent reading, devotions, our night read aloud, and burning energy. This week they all played for 4 hours at our local gymnastics center.  So here's a subject by subject run down of this week:

Bible: Discussed "the bread of life". Memorized John 6:35 using this daily exercise hand out. 
It's provided a nice structure and handwriting practice at the same time. 
History: This was just not our history week. We read our assignment. used it in a language arts lesson, and moved on. We didn't do any of the hands on history activities this week. We made bread last week with the butter and  well the napkin holders just didn't happen. But they did make rootbeer from scratch with Grandma & Grandpa ;)

Math: Continues on with Teaching textbooks Math 3. The girls are really enjoying it, and seem to be doing well.
Spelling: Lesson 7. We are completing Parts A & B on Tuesday, The using Stop and Smell the Spelling method I found for studying our words Wed and Thurs.
Handwriting: We completed 2 lessons in Cursive Handwriting without tears (we are more than 1/2 through to book), then worked on making sure we used our best printing for our copywork and spelling sentences.
Reading: We have moved away from trying to match up the girl independent reading to our historical time period, and are focusing more on what interests them. Ying has started Frindle by Andrew Clements, and Yang is challenging herself with Lemony Snicket's The Bad Beginning. I was able to find activities for both both book very easily on line.  Ying needs very direct questions to help her recognize the details she's reading. She is still very much in the recall phase of comprehension. She'll stare at you like a brick wall if you ask her to "Just tell me about the story." Yang is just more verbally oriented and will tell you EVERYTHING about what she reading. After the first tell me session with her, I went online and found a chapter summary to verify some details. Chick nailed it on the head. Very proud of her. 
Language Arts: We used our History lesson to identify nouns. Ying is working on forming sentences. She has a block when it comes to getting her thoughts down on paper. So we have been using her reading comprehension questions as the basis for forming written sentences. Taking the pieces of the question and reflecting them into an answer. Its been helping with her anxiety regarding writing assignments. Yang Finished The Bad Beginning and chose to make Popsicle stick puppets of the characters and then summarize the story for Ying and I.
Science: Once again Science was more impromptu for us then planned. The kids found and very cool caterpillar at my folks house. We went online to identify it and find out what it would look like when it turned into a butterfly. To the best of our limited skill, we identified it as a Pipevine swallowtail through the website . The girls drew the caterpillar in their journals and we printed out a picture of what it would become and identified where they were commonly found. 

Music & Public Speaking: The girls are preparing for auditions in our children's choir's Christmas production. The girls are going for solos and speaking parts, so we have pretty much be listening to the musical non stop and running lines. Its very funny how hard it is for a child raised in the south who has very little accent to try and put on a fake southern accent. Thank you you tube for some great example videos! With monitoring technology can be awesome!

Ps.  Our ship has come full circle and docked back in the port of Savannah on Thursday. Well keep watching to see if it makes the same circle another time.
If you're interested in how we have been tracking our ship, check out

Pray for us!

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