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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Week 9- George Washington

 Whoa!!!. This week has been a bit crazy... After working my regular shifts last weekend I had to cover Monday night also. In the past this wasn't a big deal, but with Taz now coming weekdays at the crack of dawn and my DH having to work Tuesday morning it just threw us off. After years of night shift, I have gotten down flipping myself between my weekday "day shift" hours and weekend "night shift work", but when an extra day gets thrown in I am out of whack. Needing naps @ 10 am, and not being able to fall asleep until 2 am. But, we survived, if not thrived this week. 

 History- We fleshed out history with a simple G.W. lap book project.This is the first the girls have done and it went over so-so. I am finding that just giving the girls free reign over the book basket isn't productive. They don't seem to be absorbing anything and pretty much stare at the book never getting off the first page cause they are watching the clock. So, we are often using the basket books for research for our extended projects like the lap book.

 Bible- We continued to add devotions from God & Me 3.

Handwriting-They practiced copying some quotes of George Washington.

Reading and Read Aloud- We gave up on The Birchbark House. We do read a loud at night and 1/2  a page in the girls were snoozing, and not getting anything out of it.  Independently, they are still working though the Harry Potter titles.

Math & Spelling- These are on auto pilot right now. Our current methods are working, though we did add more verbal drilling on the spelling. After listening to a Focus on the Family program about learning styles, I have come to the realization the Yang is a mostly auditory processor and needs to verbalize something to cement it.

Geography- Our ship remained in the Caribbean this week hitting the Port of Spain, Tobago and is heading the St. John's, Antigua currently.

Thanks again for the prayers. We need everyone and appreciate every single word interceded to the Lord on our behalf. Blessing to you and yours.

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