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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Yes, 2 inches of snow have shut down a whole city.....

The Cat Ying and Yang helped rescue from the frozen storm drain.

 Hulk playing Sight Word Bombs ( Aka starter foam tennis balls thrown at sight words written in dry erase marker on the sliding glass door).

So this week was supposed to be week 24.... Samuel Morse, FL, and TX. But, Mother Nature had other plans. We had our first accumulating snowfall in 2+ years, and as well documented on CNN, the city of Atlanta looked like the zombie apocalypse.  So, our plans went out the window. Early dismissals from Co-op and preschool. Icy ride to the grocery store. Then home bound for 4 days. Taz was stranded with us for 3 of those, as his mom and dad were each stuck on the other sides of town by the ice sheets otherwise known as roads in Atl. If you live in the north... don't judge us. There are roughly 50 salt trucks to cover a region of 6 million people. Those 50 trucks are coordinated by roughly 100 different governments...  though the Mayor of Atl was the face of the chaos.. cut the man some slack he only represents roughly 500,000 of the 6 million because most of the folks who got stuck don't actually live or work in the city. They commute. The "Atlanta" region is 6 million people who can't seem to live and work in the same area but have to live on the west side and work on the southside, etc.. etc... but I digress...
So MFW  went on hold... While we continued to do LA, reading, math, even some science we intermixed it with snow play time, movies, and in general chaos.....Ying ran a fever for a few days. Yeah! for being stocked up with Ibuprofen and Tylenol......
Ying and Yang were sad because Co-op got released early and we had to book it across town to get the little boys from preschool.
This was enough to impress them.... but was just the beginning. We were lucky. our 10 min drive home from church only took 90 min.
The most snow the kids can remember ever seeing.....
The "The Skating Rink" in front of our house. Otherwise known as miles of ice in a city that doesn't have the equipment to de-ice roads....

Taz trying out
Ying "quarantined" to the couch.
yes... you still see Christmas decorations.......... Yang trying to do some math amongst the little boys
Hulk chowing down......

And the Lord blessed with safety and sanity through it all. Praise his name!

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