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Sunday, August 17, 2014

ECC week 2

 We completed week 2 of our overview of geography this week. I tried to be a bit more relaxed, and stop stressing so much. We enjoyed the overview of the major world religions this week. The girls were impressed by how much most of the world has in common. I like Window on the Worlds simple and positive descriptions. They were very age appropriate for my crew. Our favorite geography lesson was map making using the grid system. We laid a grid out on the carport and the kids mapped our pretend country.  Hulk sitting in the chair was a mountain range, the boogie boards a lake, pool noodles a winding river. I think the blankets got added in as a forest and a military base. I was quite pleased with how the girls did once we got going.

The kids also started back at co-op this week which honestly was a blessed 4 1/2 hours of quiet errand running. I love my pack but quiet is something my mind craves and doesn't get much of right now. It was nice. I had to take a picture of the amount of stuff we have to load up for 3 kids in 5 classes. Its kinda comical. The girls are using their rolling suitcases this year because they have to carry the cellos on their backs all around the church. So each girl has a cello, music stand, suitcase w Science text & notebook, karate uniform,lunch and supplies for either knitting/art or Lego movie making. Hulk lucks out being little and gets his lunch and a pencil.

I am still not enjoying this year as much as last but I am hoping once we start the cultures part, we will find more of a rhythm.

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