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Saturday, July 6, 2013

First Week Round UP....

     So, I would say the first week was a success. The girls were happy and we learned. We didn't follow the suggestion of an easy start.We have a month before public school starts here and  I need to see if we can get it done for real. Not bad. I didn't kill anyone or make them cry. One of my fears is I will push too hard and ruin the experience. So , I need prayers for patience with I know I will have to work on it.  So the round up:
Bible: We discussed that names have meaning and how Jesus has many name because he is many things. The girls enjoyed learning what their names meant and we made bracelets to remind them of the meanings.
Math: Reviewed addition and subtraction within 20.
Spelling: Began Spelling by Sound and Structure. This will be the girls first formal spelling instruction. I will say that the workbook seemed very light. Home its supposed to be stretched over 4 days baffles me.  We did the workbook the first 2 days, then used the words in other activities. When we tested on Friday, both girls scored 100%. Good job ladies!
 Handwriting: We began cursive instruction with Handwriting without tears. The girls are flying along. I don't think it will take the girls very long to master the alphabet. I am pleased that this is making the girls slow down when writing and focus more. we have had fewer backwards letters since starting.
Reading: We started Pedro's Journal by Pam Conrad. Ok, first screw up for me. While the girls are capable of reading this book, I should have pre-read it. It uses a lot of nautical terminology, and Spanish vocabulary. I think his is why ot often used in 4th and 5th grade classrooms. It's been a real challenge for the girls and we will perserve over the next week ( two week total).While I think they are getting something out of the book, it wasn't the one to start the year with. Though it has brought up some good conversation. Yang was basically disgusted by how Columbus and his crew were accepting worship from the natives they met. She very vehemently told me that " no one is worthy of worship except God and Jesus." Amen, my beautiful!
History: We learned a little about Vikings and Lief Erickson. The girls used the bookbasket  to take notes and then write a paragraph about the Vikings. Ying did her minimum opening 3 details and closing, while Yang took up a page and half of handwriting paper to let me know all the cool facts she found. I am finding that MFW has a much lower expectation of writing skills at this level than the common core. MFW suggests 1-2 sentences, which is kindergarten level writing in common core. I am not a huge fan of common core, but since my kids may at some point have to reenter the public school system I am going to have to pay attention to it.
Science: We read the assigned pages and then started our own little rock candy experiment. We are recoreding the daily crystal formation in our observation journals. We also did a lot of informal science with our garden, and our rain nature walk.

 How did Hulk do? He fared better than expected. He did some "school" work with us at the table. He practiced writing his letters, cutting pictures out, and coloring. He also started on with the introductory phonics lessons. He also enjoyed getting to choose what to watch on the playroom DVD player without having to compromise with his sisters.Watch out Scooby! Hulk is on the case.

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