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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Truly never know....

    So, this morning we had to be up bright and early, Hulk had a 0800 appt with the ENT. Good news on all accounts. Final tube is out and no fluid in either ear! This is a first, as he has had fluid retention issues since 3 mos. old. So now onto 6 month watches to see if it comes back. His tonsils are still huge but since they don't seem to be creating a problem we are watching them. Being up and moving inspired me to make it "Git'er Done Day" for several things I have been slacking on lately. So, I found our new dental insurance info and made the kids appts. And I FINALLY got around to getting the girls eye exams. So here is where I admit what a slacker mom I am. Yang failed her vision screening exam through the schools in Jan and was recommended for further testing. Yes, it's now July. Mid-July in fact  Guess what? Yang doesn't need glasses. Ying, however does despite passing her school vision screening. So hey, you never know....
     The heartbreaking/amusing part of this story is actually that Yang was crushed when she found out Ying was getting glasses and she wasn't. Yang can be very dramatic. She can blow up, and melt down with the best of them, but this broke my heart because it was real. She didn't scream, or throw a tantrum. She sat SILENTLY with tears rolling down her face holding her sisters hand while Ying picked out her glasses. Yang is never silent, even when she's "quite" she's humming to herself. Ying was excited .Yang was crushed  and I truly for one of the first times in my life didn't know how to split my attention/emotional support. Luckily, Ying is not a fashionista. She very quickly picked out her two pairs, and we were out the door. Then the Lord was so good and saved me via the mall. We headed to an accessory store which has a selection of "Attitude" glasses. Yang found herself two very fashionable accessory pairs and all was right with the world. So, she's now doing school singing with her "glasses" on and Ying has to wait a week to get hers. Go figure.....
Ying with her "attitude glassess"

Yang with just

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